Category Doors


Dimensions of the box of interior doors

Dimensions of standard interior doors with a box The standard dimensions of interior doors must be known for the correct installation of the door in the opening. To date, no general standards have been established for manufacturers to comply with them.
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Guardian Doors

Guardian: steel entrance doors We have been producing entrance metal doors under the brand name "Guardian" for 25 years, and we are sure that we know a lot about it.
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Interior doors solid alder

Doors made of solid alder: pros and cons When making repairs in an apartment or house, we always try to do it in the best way. We select the most suitable and high-quality materials for decoration. We study interior design options.
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Aluminum doors price

Doors made of aluminum profile Doors made of aluminum, according to satisfied customers, are an excellent and durable investment. Aluminum doors are used everywhere.
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Extras for interior doors

What is an add When installing interior doors, a situation arises when the box is smaller than the thickness of the wall. In such cases, a special board is used, which is attached to the door frame, covering the remaining space.
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Sliding interior doors

Operation of sliding interior doors, their price and photo Improvement of technology and the emergence of new materials allowed to bring roller doors to the modern market, which have already gained popularity.
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Standard and not-so-large doorways

Standard dimensions of doorways Most often, a standard doorway is set up in the construction of residential and public buildings, however, before buying a new interior or entrance door, its dimensions should be correctly measured.
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Doors eco-veneer

What is it In the native language, this material is called Continious Pressure Laminates. Translated into Russian, this means "exposed to prolonged exposure to the press." The structure of the product resembles natural veneer.
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